Government superapps: potentials and pathways
Oleh GovInsider
In 2022, the Malaysian government announced that they had over 200 government apps, with the country’s former Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry highlighting the abundance of seemingly redundant and under-used apps. Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information vowed to merge around 24,000 government apps into just eight apps, which they call ‘Super Apps’.
Can Super Apps be the key to solving the problem of overabundant apps, and how do we ensure they remain effective? This panel will gather digital government leaders and experts to discuss the role super apps and life apps can play in driving digital public services and consolidating numerous apps.
Can Super Apps be the key to solving the problem of overabundant apps, and how do we ensure they remain effective? This panel will gather digital government leaders and experts to discuss the role super apps and life apps can play in driving digital public services and consolidating numerous apps.

Mr Tirso Raymond Gutierrez
Chief of Staff, E-government
Department of Information and Communications Technology

Mr Gabriyel Wong
Director (Moments of Life)
Government Technology Agency

Mr Luke Cavanaugh

Mr. Debabrata Nayak
National e-Governance Division (NeGD)