Antiek Sugiharti, Head of ICT, Surabaya, Indonesia
By Marlis Herni Afridah
Women in GovTech Special Report 2017.

Surabaya is the second biggest city in Indonesia after Jakarta, with a total area of around 300 square kilometers and population of around three million people. To fulfill the needs of public service towards those three million people, we use information and technology in many aspects in life such as health, education, environment, and permit services so that the public service can run effectively and efficiently.
In the health sector, we built a health service system called e-Health. In this system, the people can put their names in the list of a queue in the Public Health Centre or government-owned hospitals without the need to stand in line. They only need to register through the equipment named e-Kios and can choose the Public Health Centre or hospital that they want to go, as well as choosing the date of their visit there.
In the education sector, we built a service system that provides the online new enrollment registration, online report for the students, and the try-out test via online.
In the environment sector, we installed CCTVs in the roads and public areas to monitor the conditions of traffic, and the security. Besides that, we also installed CCTVs in all pumping houses to monitor the conditions of water level during the rainy season.
In the permit service, we created an online permit service system, named Surabaya Single Window (SSW). By using SSW, people can apply for the permits without the need to visit the related department. They simply need to upload the requirements and monitor the progress of their applications online.
What has been the most exciting thing that you worked on in 2017?
Optimisation of the SIAGA 112, the report service for disaster events, with reports by the people to the Surabaya City Government that is centered in the Command Centre. Through SIAGA 112, which began in end-2015, people can easily report when they see emergencies around them such as fires, fallen trees, and theft. They only need to call the number 112.
Beside its function as the emergency report centre, the Command Centre is also used to monitor traffic, water level conditions, weather conditions, and locations of operational vehicles.
What tool or technique particularly interests you for 2018?
For the year 2018, we will still use the technology as our tool in development. We will also focus on boosting coordination in our internal communications, and also regular communications with the people, so that all of our development plans can be arranged and can be run altogether.
If you were to share one piece of advice that you learned in 2017, what would it be?
Through the use of IT, it is easier for people to access policies from the government, so that programmes planned can run smoothly. People can give their input about the policies made by the government, and also feedback to improve the performance of the government.
Internally, the use of IT can create governmental management that is more efficient and effective, and can increase the communication between regional government and business/industrial sector and the community (G2G, G2B, and G2C).
What was the greatest challenge that you overcame in 2017?
Our biggest challenge is the synchronisation and synergy between all people and Surabaya City Government. Development programmes can only be successful if there is involvement from the people. The City Government itself cannot do the development all by themselves; they need the support from the people, and vice versa.
For example, in the online permit service, if the people do not want to use the service provided by saying that they do not have enough knowledge about the internet, then the system will not run smoothly and it will affect development.
This online service system cannot reduce the passion of the people to learn. They have access to the free internet learning facilities provided by the Surabaya City Government, named as the Broadband Learning Centres, which are placed in all districts in 44 locations. With the awareness of the people to learn, so many services provided by the Surabaya City Government that use technology can run well and then will bring the advantages for both people and the Surabaya City Government.
What book did you read in 2017 that most interested or inspired you?
“You Are A Leader”, by Arvan Pradiansyah.
Who inspired you in 2017, and why?
The Mayor of Surabaya herself, Mrs. Tri Rismaharini, or commonly known as “Bu Risma”. She is a hardworking woman and always gives her all when it comes to work. She is also forward-thinking.
One of her biggest dreams is to be able to become a good servant for all her people. She will not hesitate to roll her sleeves up, communicate with the people and coordinate with her staff to dig up the problem and find the solution. When she became a mother, she is loving yet firm. She can lead her children to the ‘bright’ way in their lives.