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Internet of Things in the Crosshairs: Navigating Cyber Risks Targeting IoT in the AI Era

By GovInsider

The Internet of Things has emerged as a key technology that Southeast Asian governments are eyeing to achieve smart goals across healthcare, mobility, city operations, and the environment, with the industry projected to reach a revenue of nearly 60 billion USD in 2023. At the same time, a lack of device visibility, a rise in exposed network ports, insecure protocols, and other security challenges risk increasing attack surfaces and endangering critical infrastructure in Southeast Asia.​

How can governments proactively manage the security risks associated with the Internet of Things as IoT environments only get more widespread and complex? This session will bring together government leaders, cybersecurity experts, and technologists to discuss the key threats facing IoT, share best practices and case studies for navigating cyber risks, and how secure and compliant IoT can help usher in the next step for smart development.​


Key takeaways from the webinar will include:​

  1. Identifying the key threats facing Internet of Things by governments today​

  2. Learning from best practices and case studies on how governments can best pursue smart development goals while managing cyber risks associated with these security challenges​

  3. Understanding how next generation security services and technologies emerging from the private sector can support governments in enabling the secure deployment of Internet of Things


To learn more about what Fortinet has to offer:


Gladys S. De Ocampo
Gladys S. De Ocampo

Deputy Division Chief, Cybersecurity Bureau

Department of Information and Communications Technology, Philippines

Muhammad Arman Bin Selamat
Muhammad Arman Bin Selamat

Head of Department, Malaysia Vulnerability Assessment Centre (MyVAC)

CyberSecurity Malaysia

Poh Chang Chew
Poh Chang Chew

Principal Cybersecurity Consultant OT/Critical Infrastructure APAC


Hoo Ming Ng
Hoo Ming Ng

Advisor & Chapter President, Cybersecurity,

ASEAN Chief Information Officer Association (ACIO)