Ahyani Raksanagara, Department of Development Planning and Research, Bandung City Government, Indonesia
By Nurfilzah Rohaidi
Women in GovTech Special Report 2019.

How do you use technology/policy to improve citizens’ lives? Tell us about your role or organisation.
Since March 2019, my position is the head of the Department of Development Planning and Research in the city government of Bandung.
Bandung city, as the capital of West Java Province, the most populous province in Indonesia. As a big city, Bandung continues to grow in various sectors. Bandung is the city of services; such as education, trading, tourism.
The population is increasing every year, and the dynamics of development at the national and regional levels have an impact on city management. In this situation, urban development planning becomes very important.
Our department has the responsibility to formulate development planning in the city of Bandung in accordance with the vision of the mayor, community needs, and various situations in regional, national and international levels. We evaluate the implementation of development and ensure that the city planning is included in the work plans of all units within the city government.
A tiered planning process starting from the community group, connecting information from various sectors, is complex. With that condition, it is very tight to keep to schedule, and it is necessary to use technology.
Technology becomes a part of our business process. Using technology in the planning process starts from the community level, where the community inputs what they need into a planning system.
Before being in this position, I led the communications and information department. The experience of dealing directly with technology became the provision for me to enter a new department.
What has been the most exciting thing that you worked on in 2019?
The most exciting experience for me is changing my mindset from sectoral to cross-sectional. To look at the problem from a higher point of view, 360 degrees, from various aspects, connecting various data and information, coordinating with various departments in and outside of government, from every level, while on a tight schedule to complete various documents at the same time.
Data errors and negligence in complying with the schedule will have an impact on the continuity of development in Bandung, and will disrupt services to the community. Leadership has to work as a team, utilising technology in our processes to complete various development process targets on time.
What is the best thing you have experienced in your career?
I am a medical doctor; my educational background is in healthcare. I started my career in the lowest and technical level directly with the community in the health services area, and now I have become a city planner from a policy view. The most valuable experiences during my career have shaped me to want to learn, dare to enter a new zone, good communication skills, patience and persistence, open-minded, and focus on organisation goals.
If you were to share one piece of advice that you learned in 2019, what would it be?
Using technology is driving the acceleration to achieving goals, and it must be supported by good communication between people and the existence of regulations for sustainability. Sometimes, we just focus on technology and neglect to build another ecosystem.
What tool or technique particularly interests you for 2020? What are your priorities for 2020?
In 2020 we focus on developing the integration of planning systems from so many sources, data integration, using technology for data analysis. We also want to optimise GIS for decision making in determining priorities of development. Strengthening innovation and collaboration.
What is one challenge you would like to take on in 2020?
The main challenge is development dynamics at various levels, very high community expectations for service and development outcomes, regulatory changes and maintaining the spirit of togetherness and a team that continues to learn.
The most beautiful experience, can build a spirit of togetherness and cooperation for the purpose of the city by involving various units and even non-governmental organisations. Besides using technology, we must build the value of mutual trust, responsibility and team work spirit.