App’s a good idea: Support for Singapore's elderly
By GovInsider
Government launches AICare Link app.

Singapore has launched an app that recommends financial help for elderly citizens. GovInsider takes a look under the bonnet of the new AICare Link service. It’s a simple app, but with an important purpose: elderly citizens don’t always claim the benefits that they are entitled to.
This simplifies the whole process into a short quiz. Users have to answer six questions about the elderly person, including what kind of activities they need help with, whether they live with family, and their family’s income. It then uses this profile to find the schemes that best suits their needs.
Although it is more likely to be used by caretakers and relatives of the elderly, AICare Link is simple enough for anyone to use, with big icons and explanations for the tougher questions.
It would also be useful for social workers and volunteers who look after more than one person. The app has a ‘Saved Profiles’ feature, allowing you to save information on each person and return to it later.
And if you want to browse through all the schemes yourself, the app has a list of 20 financial packages. Each scheme has details on the benefits, eligibility and a website link for more information.
The app was launched by the Agency for Integrated Care, which also introduced a web version on its eldercare website - Singapore Silver Pages.
“AIC has introduced more and multiple touch-points to make care information accessible to our seniors and their caregivers,” said AIC’s Deputy CEO, Dr Wong Kirk Chuan.
“The AICare Link app is our latest addition in making care information within easy reach of everyone.” You can download the app if you have an Apple or Android device. Image credit: Fechi Fajardo