Fathimath Lahfa, Director, Civil Service Commission, Maldives
By Marlis Herni Afridah
Women in GovTech Special Report 2017.

As a Director at the Civil Service Commission (CSC), I manage the Performance Management section and Audit and Evaluation section. CSC uses technology as an enabler to fulfill its role as the central oversight and regulatory body of the Civil Service, even though thousands of Civil Service employees and entities are dispersed across the island nation. CSC’s integrated recruitment information system, Viuga 2.0 facilitates more efficient and effective service delivery to MDA’s while also helping commission’s departments make evidence based policy decisions.
What has been the most exciting thing you worked on in 2017.
2017 has been an exciting year. Starting the year in the International Relations Section at CSC, moving to the Performance Management section and taking over the responsibility of Audit section. Everything I worked on throughout this year forced me to expand my comfort zone, learn new things and new ways of doing things.
What tool or technique particularly interests you for 2018?
Big data and Artificial Intelligence. People have the impression that artificial intelligence is all about robots and gadgets! However AI capabilities such as predictive analysis and computer vision are deployed to improve government outcomes from dealing with crime to improving healthcare. I hope to see Maldivian government invest in the technology ecosystem for utilizing AI.
If you were to share one piece of advice that you learned in 2017, what would it be?
“Don’t use technology just to make your organization’s life easier. What’s the use if it doesn’t benefit your customer?” This comment from a professor encouraged me to learn more about Human Centered Design and I’d advice fellow public impact hustlers to use HCD to improve public services for citizens.
What was the greatest challenge that that you overcame in 2017?
Even though I graduated last year, this year I decided to study a Lifelong learning module on Social Entrepreneurship at NUS. This meant travelling to Singapore for classes on alternative weekends. Having a family and full time job here in Maldives, suffering a serious health issue in-between, it proved to be a great challenge but grateful to say I Conquered!
What book did you read in 2017 that most interests or inspired you?
How to be a Bawse by Lilly Singh. Whether you are a YouTuber or a public servant, the book’s packed with small tokens of wisdom and inspiration.
Who inspired you in 2017 and why?
Our former Secretary General, Dr Faizal. When I started at CSC a little over a year ago, joining the senior ranks as a young graduate, I was naturally anxious. But as a boss, he was a great mentor helping me navigate through.