How AI can speed up response to cyber threats
By Microsoft
Governments can cut threat detection from months to virtually real-time.
For many in the security industry, 200 days has become the average time taken to detect advanced cyber attacks.
For governments, however, this norm is just not good enough. Machine learning, an artificial intelligence technique, can cut this to near real-time, an e-book by Microsoft shows.
It works by gathering data from past and current attacks and learning from that information to improve the organisation’s defences.
While governments may already have a lot of data on cyber threats, such advanced techniques are able to cut through the noise and provide meaningful recommendations for officials to take action.
Such intelligent security platforms can also reverse-engineer cyber attacks to identity new and advanced techniques used by hackers.
This will allow governments to constantly keep up with hackers, without having to invest in new resources each time.
If you would like to learn more about this from Microsoft, download the full e-book below.