How is Team Singapore winning with data analytics?
By GovInsider
Head of analytics team at Sports Singapore to share its success story on 9 March.
A dedicated analytics team gives Singapore’s national athletes rigorous reviews of their training performance from videos and data.
This crack unit is headed by Benoit Ammann, Deputy Director of High Performance Sport Analytics and Technology at Sport Singapore.
On 9 March, Ammann will be sharing his experience and lessons learnt at a public sector summit hosted by Tableau, a global leader in visual analytics.
Ammann will speak about how he uses data analytics and visualisations to track and improve performance.
In the run up to the Olympics last year, he led the development of a new data analytics initiative which pulls together data from across Sports Singapore’s departments, giving access to even more precise and actionable insights.
The summit will discuss modern self-service platforms available for data analytics and visualisation and is free for public sector officials across Singapore.
If you are interested to attend the event, please register your details here.
Image by Team Singapore’s Facebook page