How to understand user feedback with data analytics
Oleh Tableau
Seminar on 9 March to discuss how you can get actionable answers from your data.
Agencies across the government are experimenting with design thinking. A key step in this process is getting user feedback on your ideas. This feedback can often be messy and unstructured.
But analytics and visualisations can help officials understand what users’ needs really are. This will allow them to rapidly prototype their ideas and create future iterations of products.
A training session by global visual analytics company Tableau will show how government officials can better understand this data to deliver services that are truly citizen-centric.
The session, dedicated to government officials on 9 March in Singapore, will discuss how agencies are harassing data for valuable information with easy-to-use platforms.
Such self-service technology allows officials in any role or function to effectively work with data without professional IT support.
If you are interested to attend, please fill in your details here today to find out more.