Ika Mardiah, Head of E-Procurement, West Java Provincial Government, Indonesia
By GovInsider
Women in GovTech Special Report 2019.

How do you use technology/policy to improve citizens’ lives? Tell us about your role or organisation.
The National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) established SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Electronik) or e-procurement. I am head of Balai LPSE which from 2010 until 2017 has transformed the procurement process from manual to digital for the government expenditure, especially using tender, purchasing and other methods of procurement. It is not easy to deal with the supplier’s behaviour and mindset on goods and services procurement.
Almost everyday we provide free trainings to improve supplier capacities using SPSE for contracting and using national application for purchasing. On the other hand, we also build an application that is called Pakar Report which contains reports for all transactions, and it was adopted by 34 LPSEs of provincial government, municipalities, and Central Government.
To support the system, we build technology infrastructure and completed by implementing ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System Standards since we have our confidential data of transaction and suppliers as our assets. Now, I am head of the Goods and Services Procurement Bureau in West Java Provincial Government and am very grateful to conduct this bureau. Challenges ahead that we are facing with all stakeholders in procurement is our goal to make the process of procurement transparent, and value for money with satisfying products.
What has been the most exciting thing that you worked on in 2019?
What is exciting for me is to integrate the e-budgeting system that is built by West Java Government and information system on procurement that is build by LKPP, the aims of integrating is to make project manager work simply in just one click.
Since the assumption of interest in procurement process from stakeholders which tends to have probability in doing corruption, we changed the employees and supplier mindset on how to do goods and services procurement properly by using the provided system.
This year, I suggested that some of government institutions do procurement consolidations on computer, road maintenance and paper. This is interesting for me because of the resistance from project managers as the result of inability in understanding procurement methods.
To increase the role of SMEs in government procurement, we build collaborative marketplaces with private sector that have already run B2B marketplaces, and also with local banks. These activities hlep to prevent corruption and to get accountable recordings of transactions on goods and services procurement. There are so many applications that we have profiled and innovated on this year. The application for tax, for example. Now, the government referral system and emergency services are available online. This year, we provided more than 10 applications for the public service.
If you were to share one piece of advice that you learned in 2018, what would it be?
My educational background is in politics, and it lacks IT and procurement knowledge. Keywords for dealing with IT and procurement are strong leadership, communication with all stakeholders and employees, building trust among them, and having a great team.
What tool or technique particularly interests you for 2020?
AI and Big Data. The most important thing is the Internet of Things to manage procurement process by using artificial intelligence which can reduce corruption and increase accountability. Furthermore, we have supplier, transaction, and procurement data that can be used to make procurement, planning and budgeting policies.
What are your priorities in 2020?
Completing the integration system on e-planning, e-budgeting, e-procurement, e-payment and e-reporting. Improving personnel capacities in using the technology and understanding new laws in procurement. Tender committees especially should increase their knowledge on procurement law and systems.
What is one skill that has helped you the most throughout the course of your carreer?
Leadership is the most important thing that has helped me throughout my career and it is supported by good communication, being eager to learn, and networking.
What is one challenge you would like to take on in 2020?
Completing the integration system on e-planning, e-budgeting, e-procurement, e-payment and e-reporting system that are built by different government level. All procurement process is run by artificial intelligence using new information technology that can reduce manpower and corruption. Furthermore, government e-auction and e-purchase will be implemented. Government procurement will be integrated with the private marketplace using government-pay for transactions.
What has been your fondest memory from the past year?
I reach my highest position as the head of goods and services procurement bureau which challenges me to make my organisation more accountable and gain the public’s trust.