Indonesia plans limited release of INA Digital Services

By Mochamad Azhar

The launch of three main INA Digital services, including basic digital services, government administration services and digital identity, aims to streamline features and get feedback to improve them further before general release.

PAN and RB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas said the Indonesian government will conduct a limited release of three main INA Digital services that include a public service portal, a government administration portal and a digital ID. Image: Ministry of PAN RB

Indonesian Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas has announced that Indonesia will conduct a limited release of three major digital services developed by INA Digital, the country’s new digital government platform, to selected users in the fourth week of September. 

The three digital services are: INA Ku, INA Gov and INA Pas.   

“INA Ku is the name of the public service portal that will integrate various essential services, such as education, health, social, population administration, and BPJS health insurance services," Anas said in a press statement in Jakarta on September 3.  

INA Ku will make it easier for people to access government services, such as checking the availability of doctors and health care facilities, applying for education scholarships, and checking the status of cash assistance.  

INA Gov, or the Government Administration Portal, will consolidate various applications used by civil servants, including recruitment, performance evaluation, learning, promotion, reassignment, and dismissal, into one portal.   

INA Pas or digital identity will spearhead the integration of systems and applications. INA Pas is a single sign-on that civil servant users and the public can use to access various services available in INA Gov and INA Ku.  

There are currently 19 services delivered through INA Ku and INA Gov. Additional features will be added gradually, Anas added.

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The trial involves 50,000 users  

In the first phase of this limited release, the three services will be tested by 50,000 users, consisting of 10,000 civil servants for INA Gov and 40,000 users for INA Ku. The trial aims to introduce basic features to get feedback from users.  

In the next limited release (Beta version), the trial will be expanded to include 138 government agencies and more public users to refine the features.  

"Then in the final stage, the service will be fully released to all users, with the hope that the system will be much more stable, and features will be expanded as needed," Anas explained.  

Anas asked all ministries and institutions to support the implementation of the first phase of the limited release by preparing the integration of digital services in their respective agencies with INA Gov and INA Ku.  

Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi added that the first phase of the release is a new way to realise a faster, more transparent and efficient transformation of public services.   

“Digitalisation not only makes it easier for people to access government services, but also helps minimise corrupt practices by increasing transparency in government processes," he said in a separate press release.

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Government to stop creating standalone applications  

Anas said after INA Digital is established, government agencies should no longer develop new applications that are not integrated with existing systems. All applications related to public services must be created under GovTech Indonesia.  

President Joko Widodo has instructed all agencies to comply with the regulation to reduce duplication of digital services and simplify government services.  

"Bureaucracy should serve people, not complicate things. But how can the bureaucracy provide convenience if we have 27,000 applications that work on their own?" Jokowi said at the INA Digital launch event last May.

According to the Presidential Regulation 2023 on the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services, every procurement process for digital systems in all ministries and agencies must obtain clearance recommendation from the National E-Government Coordination Team led by the Ministry of PAN RB, Ministry of Kominfo and Ministry of National Development Planning.  

This covers the procurement of new general applications as well as the procurement of new data centres. Recommendations also apply to ministries or agencies that use digital technology to conduct surveys, data collection and mapping.

This article was originally published in Bahasa Indonesia.