Indonesian VP Kalla urges city leaders to use tech

By GovInsider

Smart cities give power to local leaders, Jusuf Kalla said.

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has called on all city leaders to start using technology to run their administrations.

“Smart city combines the country’s governmental system with technology to assist bureaucracy management in various ways,” he said.

It can help increase efficiency and transparency in public service, he added.

For instance, he notes Go-Jek’s motorbike taxi app, which matches the supply of drivers with demand from riders. Similar tools should be used to manage government officials and citizens, he said, the Jakarta Post reported.

Kalla likened the rise of smart cities to the fall of President Suharto’s authoritarian regime, which was followed by massive decentralization of power to local leaders.

Data and apps can allow city leaders to take greater control of their staff and services, for example.

“Now what matters most is the capability of our regional leaders”, he said.

Image by @Pak_JK