Exclusive: Jakarta e-procurement will happen, Sandiaga says
By GovInsider
New administration will ensure transparent tendering, and break up contract sizes.

Jakarta will introduce an e-procurement system, and break up tenders to help small business, GovInsider has learned. Speaking in an interview, the new Deputy Governor-elect, Sandiaga Uno, pledged that “We will have e-procurement.”
He continued: “One thing that we will change during the current administration, [is] they are consolidating their tenders, which allows bigger business to be more on the front stage.”
“The consolidation basically caters to bigger business because in the name of being more efficient, the government inadvertently shut down opportunities for small business.”
“We will have a better screening process and we will have a more open, transparent procurement that would be accessible also to small business. That would be the key differentiator between the current and the next administration.”
Now read our full interview with Deputy Governor-elect Sandiaga Uno.