Jakarta Governor tells officials to announce contracts
By GovInsider
Must show why a business was awarded a government contract.
Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama has told officials to publicly justify why companies have been awarded government tenders.
A lack of transparency could lead to speculation that employees are colluding with companies to determine tender outcomes, he said.
“If the process was transparent, anyone could look into the process,” he said. Firms bidding for the city’s tenders have complained about a lack of transparency in the determining the winner of the bid, he added. The head of the procurement agency has now been ordered to make this change for all government contracts.
Jakarta has also limited the bidding time for tenders to two weeks, after Governor Basuki asked officials to speed up the process in August.
This applies to all tenders valued under IDR5 billion (US$367,067). The average bidding time has since decreased from one month to two weeks, starting from opening the tender notice to announcing the winners.