CONFIRMED: UK global procurement head speaking at GovInsider Live
By Medha Basu
Warren Smith, Director of the Global Digital Marketplace programme, will discuss ways to improve accountability.
Image: MaX Corteggiano - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
The summit takes place on 16 October at the United Nations Headquarters in Bangkok. It will host 1,000 senior officials from across ASEAN including GCIOs, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and startups.
Smith will discuss the UK Government’s programme to help countries across the world reform public procurement, open up access to smaller suppliers, and improve transparency and accountability in government contracting. US$9.5 trillion is spent on public sector procurement globally every year, and nearly a third of this - around US$2.6 trillion - is lost through corruption and bribery, according to the UK's Cabinet Office Minister for Implementation.
The full speaker lineup for GovInsider Live includes Ministers, Governors, Mayors, GCIOs and pioneering figures from across the world.
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