Wise Citra Dewi, Head of Administrative, Jakarta Smart City Unit, Indonesia
By GovInsider
Women in GovTech Special Report 2017.

How do you use technology to improve citizens' lives? Tell us about your role or organisation.
In Jakarta Smart City, we use information and communications technology, especially in analysing data and processing citizen complaints, to improve people’s lives in Jakarta. I act as a coordinator for the professional workers in the Jakarta Smart City management unit in terms of making sure that they receive the support to finish their tasks, and help coordinate with local department and government agencies when needed.
What has been the most exciting thing that you worked on in 2017?
One of the most exciting things I’ve worked on is when Jakarta Smart City developed a new way of managing citizen reports. This system is an update of the application called Cepat Respon Opini Publik (Fast Respond Public Report). It is now named Citizen Relation Management. Other than changing its name, this new system has new features to simplify the coordination between departments. Therefore, government employees that are responsible to solve the complaints can receive the reports clearly, and it is faster to process.
What tool or technique particularly interests you for 2018?
We developed Big Data to improve data analysis in the Jakarta Smart City management unit. Thus, we can reduce analysing the data manually and start analysing it more accurately. In addition, we are capable of analysing more data efficiently by having Big Data, thus using the results of analysis as a reference for government officials to make important decisions in order to solve problems in Jakarta. We can also develop forecasting to take preventive action - for instance, problems like traffic jams, flooding, poverty and to improve the environment.
If you were to share one piece of advice that you learned in 2017, what would it be?
Technology develops at a fast pace, and we need to adjust accordingly. To overcome this problem, we also need to work together with other organisations, such as startups, local communities, or other regional governments. We found that is useful for our progress of becoming a smart city.
What was the greatest challenge that you overcame in 2017?
In this year, we have to do many great things to realise smart city in Jakarta. It demands our responsibility to carefully assess the problem and formulate the solution immediately. Furthermore, the smart city must be developed to make people’s lives better.
What book did you read in 2017 that most interested or inspired you? One of the most interesting books I have read was "Sejarah dan Budaya" by Antonio Gramsi. This book narrates the history and culture of Italy in the revolution era. In the book, Gramsi stated that everyone has the potential to be intelligent, which corresponds to the person's own intelligence and how they use it. However, not everyone is intelligent when it comes to social function.
Who inspired you in 2017, and why? Minister Susi Pudjiastuti. She is a figure in the government that has courage and persistence to do what needs to be done. Her innovation where she contributes in the ministry she is leading now inspires me alot.