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A Sustainable Johor Rooted in Resilience - Interview with Ms. Sara Wilkinson (RICS)
A Sustainable Johor Rooted in Resilience - Interview with Mr. Syed Aiman Kifli Syed Jaafar (Farmbyte Sdn Bhd)
A Sustainable Johor Rooted in Resilience - Interview with Mr. Edey Suresh (UNGCMYB)
A Sustainable Johor Rooted in Resilience - Plenary Session
A Sustainable Johor Rooted in Resilience - Interview with Professor Paul Teng (NTU)
By GovInsider
Discussing the prospects and challenges for Johor and the region, Professor Paul Teng from the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Study, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), shared that a key challenge in achieving sustainability in the agriculture industry is finding a balance between food production and low carbon emissions. He elaborates on the various strategies that can be adopted by various stakeholders and the importance of research in solutions that can help create sustainable practices in the industry.
Watch the full interview here!
Don't miss the next Johor Conversation Series, coming up in September.
Watch the full interview here!
Don't miss the next Johor Conversation Series, coming up in September.