All Indonesia ministries’ apps set to be integrated via APIs with INA Digital by May 2024
By Mochamad Azhar
With the development of a national digital government portal a priority, the Indonesia Government is taking steps to accelerate the integration of services through inter-ministerial collaboration and secure APIs.
Abdullah Azwar Anas, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, revealed that the process of integrating government service applications into INA Digital has progressed, marked by the readiness for secure APIs on the national portal. Image: Ministry of PAN-RB
President Jokowi has set nine priority services to be integrated into a national digital platform called INA Digital. This provision is outlined in Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 about the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services.
"The President has instructed all ministries to integrate their apps with INA Digital no later than May 2024," said Abdullah Azwar Anas, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) after meeting President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on 25 March.
The GovTech Indonesia team – led by Peruri – together with the National Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) Coordination Team and various ministries and agencies, continue to hold marathon meetings to consolidate various technical matters and achieve the targets, Anas explained.
According to Anas, government applications will be integrated into one national platform through an API system. There are nine priority services to be integrated in the initial stage: education, health, social assistance services, police services, digital payment services, a data exchange platform, state apparatus services, population administration services, and a one-stop public services portal.
In parallel, the Government is also integrating other digital services, such as immigration services, land certificate processing services, job vacancy services, and BPJS-Health and BPJS-Employment services.
One portal for all services
Anas said that some public services are already digitalised, but there is no interoperability between one institution and another. Thousands of government service applications were developed but not connected to each other, making citizens confused when accessing government services.
"That's why we changed the approach from government-oriented applications to user-centric applications. We want everything to be easy and fast," Anas said.
In the future, people who want to access various government services will not need to download all applications and fill in repeated data in each application. People can simply log in to one public service portal to access all types of services through a single sign-on (SSO).
Anas also said that this integrated concept is important in digitally serving the human life journey, from birth to death.
"So, when people are about to give birth, they can just enter the system and know their rights to get any parental or childcare services. When they are sick, they know how to get their health checked. When the child enters school, they know what to do. There is no need to download hundreds of applications, no need to fill in data repeatedly," Anas explained.
Currently, the national public service portal has shown considerable progress, marked by the preparation of the national portal interface using APIs to connect digital services in the ministries.
In addition to focusing on supporting the development of the national portal, the Government is also focusing on the process of transforming state-owned enterprise Peruri into a world-class GovTech, by forming a taskforce at Peruri, recruiting digital experts, and strengthening communication strategies to stakeholders and the public.
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The main foundation of the digital service ecosystem
Anas said that President Joko Widodo emphasised his desire to adopt the concept of digital public infrastructure (DPI), namely digital ID, data exchange and digital payment.
When it comes to digital ID, which will be the main foundation of the Government's digital service ecosystem, the President has ordered the Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Communication and Information Technology to complete the Digital Population Identity (IKD) activation project by June 2024.
"Digital ID allows all data to be recorded easily and quickly so that people do not need to repeat data input when accessing services. In the future, people do not have to hold a physical ID card, but simply activate the IKD."
Anas hopes that the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Dukcapil Branch Offices throughout Indonesia can immediately activate IKD for civil servants and citizens.
As of 28 February, the Directorate General of Dukcapil has activated 8.2 million IKDs. This figure continues to be increased through various means, including through cooperation with district and city administrators to activate IKD for local civil servants, cooperation with banking institutions, and the Dukcapil team going directly to the community and household levels.
GovInsider has recently published a series of stories of innovative DPI projects all over the world, from Bangladesh to Estonia.
This article was originally published in Bahasa Indonesia.