Doreen Gift Bujjingo, ICT Infrastructure Engineer, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Uganda
By Yogesh Hirdaramani
Meet the Women in GovTech 2024.

Doreen Gift Bujjingo, ICT Infrastructure Engineer, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Uganda, shares her journey. Image: Doreen Gift Bujjingo
1. How do you use technology/policy to improve citizens’ lives? Tell us about your role or organisation.
In my organization, which is the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance in Uganda, I am an ICT Infrastructure Engineer. I am part of the team that is responsible for ensuring everyone that lives in Uganda has equitable and affordable access to ICT infrastructure, broadband and services. We derive interventions that bridge the connectivity gaps and we enhance service delivery through leveraging ICT.
An example of a programme I would give is the Parish Development Model. This is a poverty eradication program that is focused on the government issuing a revolving fund to savings and credit cooperative organisations (saccos) at parish level. The members of these saccos are able to access the finances, invest them in an activity that is part of the agricultural chain and then pay it back at very low interest and proportioned for other members to benefit. This programme is an intervention towards sustainable development goals 1, 3,5, 8, and 10. It is a four-year programme and for the last two years, there is a wealth of testimonies for the lives that have been improved and women that have been empowered to access financial services that they would not under the regular banking environment.
With a great team, I am part of the technical working group that development and implemented the Parish Development Management Information System (PDMIS) that profiles the beneficiaries, communities, registers production levels and manages the revolving fund. This use of technology has created a high level of accountability and increased impact of the programme.
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2. What is the most impactful project you worked on this year?
This year, one of the most impactful projects is the National Data Strategy. I am excited about this particularly because it is convening efforts from government, private sector, civil society and academia to harness the best out of Uganda’s data for social economic development.
3. What was one unexpected learning from 2024?
My unexpected learning from 2024 is however good a technology project is and whatever impact is expected, social engineering is the most pivotal action in adoption and roll out.
4. What’s a tool or technique you’re excited to explore in 2025?
In 2025, I am excited about using foresight methodology in my policy briefs and work designs as well as open-source first principles in the procurement and development of public service systems.
5. Everybody’s talking about AI today – give us your hot take on AI and what it means for the public sector?
My take on AI for the public service sector is, it was needed like 100 years ago. We have systems, collect data everyday, design interventions but sometimes we run out of time for reviewing what is in there and what the data is telling us. If AI was installed in it all, public service would be more efficient and directional.
6. What are your priorities for 2025?
I have a number of priorities for 2025 some of which include:
Establish community centers for ICT and business development with different partners
Develop a foresight paper on the future of women’s work in communities
Lead the development of an ICT Infrastructure data store for planning and monitoring infrastructure roll out
Take a course or training on leadership in the public sector
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7. What advice do you have for public sector innovators?
The advice would be to take advantage of the open source digital public goods to design that we need as a country as opposed to building all the blocks from scratch. This is because it is an opportunity for faster development of products but also one to contribute to good knowledge.
8. Who inspires you today?
Today, my inspiration is Astronaut Sara Sabry. Her big dreams, and passion to inspire others at the same age as mine really inspires me.