Yuliana Keke Febrianti, Project Officer, Jabar Digital Service, Indonesia

By Mochamad Azhar

Meet the Women in GovTech 2024.

Yuliana Keke Febrianti, Project Officer, Jabar Digital Service, Indonesia, shares her journey. Image: Jabar Digital Service

1. How do you use technology or policy to improve citizens’ lives?   

As a Project Officer at Jabar Digital Service, I use technology to improve the quality of public services. The basic but crucial thing in a public service process is to provide clear information related to public services to the public. 

My team and I collected data on public services from all regional apparatus (offices, agencies, and bureaus) within the West Java Provincial Government using a "pick up the ball" strategy. This project succeeded in collecting more than 400 public services that were divided into three categories of beneficiaries, namely the community, business and government. 

These data were then entered into a public service catalogue before being published on the official website of the West Java Provincial Government (https://jabarprov.go.id) as an information channel and interaction media between the West Java Provincial Government and the community. 

Standardisation of information architecture is also carried out to make it easier for the public to understand and find information about public services. This official website was also built inclusively to increase convenience for all West Java people without exception.

The website is visited by more than 6,000 people and accessed more than 34 thousand times every month. Not only does the website provide information, but it also has a user interface that provides a comfortable and pleasant user experience. 

I also delivered a website builder developed directly by Jabar Digital Service that can be used by all regional apparatus within the West Java Provincial Government. With this website builder, the delivery of information from the government to the public becomes easier because the information and display design are standardised, fast and reliable. 

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2. What was the most impactful project you worked on this year? 

The website builder developed directly by Jabar Digital Service called Jabar Site (J-Site). This is the most impactful project in the past year. With J-Site, the West Java Provincial Government can save budget on website development because J-Site is Content Management System (CMS) based and has templates that are easy to use by anyone without the need to master coding or digital product development skills. 

With J-Site, the public can also access information about services within the West Java Provincial Government and its services quickly, easily and up to date. Local authorities can also update information through the J-Site CMS anywhere and anytime.  

3. What was one unexpected learning from 2024?     

When implementing J-Site, there was a lot of unexpected feedback where the benefits felt by users were better than expected. J-Site was able to cut the time of civil servants (PNS) in the regional apparatus by three months. 

The burden on local government officials is also lighter as they can focus on compiling and updating content without having to think about coding and technical maintenance. In terms of budget efficiency, local governments can save tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah because they no longer need to hire vendors.  

4. What’s tool or technique you’re excited to explore in 2025?    

In 2025, I am interested in studying Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) policies for digital products. Digital products can be copyrighted, but the copyright granted by the Directorate General of IPR of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is only limited to the source code.  

In my opinion, the design or appearance of digital products should also be an object of intellectual property because the design or appearance of digital products is the result of thought and becomes the hallmark of digital products. The creation of a design that contains layout, colour composition, and others has also gone through a number of stages of research and thought that are not easy. 

5. Everybody’s talking about AI today – give us your hot take on AI and what it means for the public sector 

AI is a new technology that greatly facilitates work. In the public sector, of course, the use of AI can be used to facilitate public services, for example the use of AI in the government hotline system. 

AI can provide information quickly to the public without having to wait for a live hotline agent to answer or reply to questions from the public. AI can also be used for city traffic management, even some countries have implemented AI in the healthcare sector, and it is not difficult for Indonesia to implement it too.  

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6. What are your priorities for 2025? 

The Jabarprovgoid Portal Project and J-Site will continue to grow in 2025. My team and I will try to develop J-Site to the district/city level and even to the village level so that the benefits can be more evenly distributed. The Jabarprovgoid portal will continue to be developed based on user needs.  

The feedback feature will also continue to be opened to hear input from the entire community, in accordance with the tagline or vision of Jabar Digital Service, ‘Make better government with technology’.  

The use of AI will also be explored to be implemented into these two projects. Collaboration with various sectors, both communities, private and cross-regional apparatus will also continue. 

7. What advice do you have for public sector innovators? 

Integrate and avoid the silo mentality that makes each agency seem as if it is running on its own. With integration, it will be easier for the public to access public services. This is also in line with the spirit of bureaucratic reform where bureaucracy is cut to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services.  

8. Who inspires you today? 

Everyone in this environment is my source of inspiration, because everyone has their own uniqueness. I am inspired by every mother who is also a career woman who works professionally. I am inspired by people who have different educational backgrounds from their current jobs because of their willingness and hard work in learning new things. I am also inspired by agency leaders or regional leaders who can make decisions quickly and accurately. 

This feature was made possible in partnership with Jabar Digital Service (JDS)