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Towards AIOps: Streamlining AI Innovation in Healthcare

For group registrations and enquiries, please contact marion@govinsider.asia

Note: This event is only for Government & Public Sector Agencies (Federal & State) and Statutory Board attendees. GovInsider reserve the right to decline registrations from outside these sectors.


Healthcare leaders and on-the-ground staff in Singapore are revolutionising Singapore's public healthcare sector with AI and GenAI innovations that are improving patient care, streamlining operations, and advancing medical research. AI is reshaping not only how healthcare is delivered to patients, but also how doctors, nurses, and administrators perform their daily tasks as well as the operations of complex healthcare organisations.

The challenge now lies in channeling this innovative energy into seamlessly integrating and automating AI technologies across complex IT workflows through a robust AIOps strategy. A robust AIOps strategy can lead to more resilient, secure, and agile IT operations, powered by cutting edge AI innovations. 


Red Hat and GovInsider would like to invite you to an exclusive roundtable with your peers to learn and discuss some of the key topics pertaining to AI innovation in healthcare today. 

Key Takeaways

  • What is the current state of AI innovation in healthcare today? 

  • Understand how AIOps can help organisations re-imagine their  IT operations and also their overall patient care

  • Explore what it takes for healthcare leaders to develop and implement an holistic AI strategy within their organisations


Voco Orchard Singapore

Date & Time

From: Sep 17, 2024 - 11:45AM (GMT+8)

To: Sep 17, 2024 - 02:00PM (GMT+8)

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