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Enter Society 5.0: Sustainable, inclusive, digital

By GovInsider

Climate change, growing economic competition internationally, and unstable supply chains plague the world today. These challenges bring with it the promise of an uncertain future, and society needs to evolve to be able to meet these challenges head-on. First introduced by Japan, Society 5.0 is also known as the 'super smart society'. It imagines a world where cyber and physical are intimately intertwined, with digital technologies like big data analytics, AI, IoT and robotics augmenting daily life to create a more sustainable and inclusive world.

This session will invite policymakers to explore what Society 5.0 will look like in their respective countries, the challenges that lie in their way, and uncover the steps that governments need to take to transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0.


Dr Yuko Harayama
Dr Yuko Harayama

Professor Emeritus

Tohoku University

Ms Carmen Raal
Ms Carmen Raal

Digital Transformation Adviser


Mr Chen Guanyou
Mr Chen Guanyou

Deputy Director, Strategy, Governance and International Relations
