Meet the Women in GovTech 2020


Meet the Women in GovTech 2020

By Medha Basu Yun Xuan Poon Shirley Tay

53 inspiring stories on how tech is transforming the public sector.

Women leaders have been lauded for how they have battled Covid-19. The New York Times has even suggested that countries led by women have, on the whole, fared better than those led by men.

Yet battling a pandemic is a team effort, and there are many stories behind the scenes of brilliant innovators. We have profiled 53 incredible women who deserve greater recognition for the work they do - from cyber ambassadors and coders to ministers and healthcare frontliners.

They share how they innovated to fight Covid-19, transform government and serve the vulnerable. They also wrote letters to their future selves, in which they shared their hopes for a better world, and encouragement to never lose sight of what they love.

We hope these interviews uplift and inspire you to keep forging ahead.

Meet the Women in GovTech 2020.


Johanna Weaver, Special Adviser to Australia’s Ambassador for Cyber Affairs, Australia


Jaimie Boyd, Chief Digital Officer, Government of British Columbia, Canada


Zhang Ying, Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatisation, China


Anna Korpi, Counsellor, Education and Science, Embassy of Finland in Singapore


Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Piret Tõnurist, Senior Project Manager, Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, OECD

Shirin Hamid, Director General and CIO, Asian Development Bank


Rema Rajeshwari, District Police Chief of Mahabubnagar, India


Dian Istanti, Head Of e-Government Sector, Department Of Communication and Information, West Java Province, Indonesia

Dyana Jatnika, Project Officer at Jabar Digital Service, West Java, Indonesia

Ida Ningrum, Head of Statistics Department, West Java Province Communication and Information Office, Indonesia

Kurnia Sari Aisyiyah, Senior Data Analyst, Jabar Digital Service, Indonesia

Tiomaida Seviana, Head of Encoding and Information Security, West Java Province Communication and Information Office, Indonesia

Paola Pisano, Minister for Technological Innovation, Italy


Mihoko Matsubara, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, NTT Corporation, Japan

Arune Matelyte, Manager, GovTech Lab Lithuania, Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, Lithuania


Siti Sapura Binti Raffee, ICT Consultant, ICT Consultancy Division, MAMPU, Malaysia

Surina Shukri, CEO, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, Malaysia

Dr Yusminar Yunus, Principal ICT Consultant, ICT Consultancy Department, MAMPU, Malaysia


Pia Cayetano, Senator, Philippines


Justyna Orłowska, Prime Minister’s High Representative for Government Technology and Head of the GovTech Center at the Prime Minister’s Office, Poland


Aishwarya Bandla, Head, Translational Core, The N.1 Institute for Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Ang Shin Yuh, Deputy Director, Nursing, Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore

Ang Yi Xin, Product Designer, Open Government Products, Singapore

Associate Prof Angela Chow Li Ping, Head, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Angela Yeo, Assistant Director, Future Primary Care programme, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation, Singapore

Chen Li, Senior Nurse Manager, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Chong Mien Ling, Chief Sustainability Officer, PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency, Singapore

Christine Ang, Deputy Director, Emerging Capabilities-Health Insights, IHiS, Singapore

Chua Xin Juan, Acting Director, Professional Services Programme Office, Ministry of Law, Singapore

Gwenda Fong, Assistant Chief Executive, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), Singapore

Jean Tan, Software Engineer, Open Government Products, Singapore

Jessie Ho, Director, Product Management & Delivery Group 4 - Healthcare Enablement Office, IHiS, Singapore

Joy Ng, UX Designer, GovTech, Singapore

Joycelyn Chua, Product Designer, Government Digital Services, GovTech, Singapore

Khoo Bing Jin, Senior Cybersecurity Specialist, Cyber Security Group, GovTech, Singapore

Lynette Ong, Director of Transformation Office, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Dr Petty Chen, Product Manager, Open Government Products, Singapore

Rachel Ang, Senior Deputy Director, Social Service ICT, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Singapore

Samantha Wong, Software Engineer, GovTech, Singapore

Sarah Salim, Product Designer, Open Government Products, Singapore

Sarah Teng, Director of Water Quality Department, PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency, Singapore

Serena Yong, Director, Infrastructure Services, IHiS, Singapore

Dr. Svetlana Jevrejeva, Principal Research Scientist, National Sea Level Programme, Singapore

Talitha Chin, Product Manager, Open Government Products, Singapore

Tan Lay Kheng, Senior Assistant Director (Corporate, Operations, Information and Disease Outbreak Systems), Ministry of Health, Singapore

Tey Shu Wen, Director, Sensors Division, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

Yang Yinping, Senior Scientist, Principal Investigator & Group Manager, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore

Zenne Tng, Head of Department and Principal Speech Therapist, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

South Korea

Park Seong Ju, Deputy Director, Digital Government Cooperation, Ministry of Interior and Safety, South Korea


Dr. Karndee Leopairote, Supervisory Board member of Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), Thailand

Nahpihtchaya Tebrod, Executive Vice President, Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), Thailand


Cina Lawson, Minister of Digital Economy and Digital Transformation, Togo


Tanya Filer, Founder, StateUp, UK