event banner for GovInsider Live – ASEAN (Digital and Malaysia)


GovInsider Live – ASEAN (Digital and Malaysia)

For group registrations and enquiries, please contact samantha@govinsider.asia

Registration closed

The event is currently not accepting new registrations for the event. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. If you have further questions, please contact us here.

Ts. Mohamed Kheirulnaim Bin Mohamed Danial
Ts. Mohamed Kheirulnaim Bin Mohamed Danial

Senior Assistant Director

National Cyber Coordination and Command Centre (NC4) and National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA)

Mr Fabian Bigar
Mr Fabian Bigar

Chief Executive Officer


Encik Shamsul Izhan Abdul Majid
Encik Shamsul Izhan Abdul Majid

Chief Technology & Innovation

Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commissions (MCMC)

Ms. Manon Bernier
Ms. Manon Bernier

Deputy Resident Representative

UNDP Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Darussalam

Mr Kevin Koh
Mr Kevin Koh

Managing Director

National Digital Identity Programme Lead, Southeast Asia, Accenture

Mr Ahmad Muhsin Mubarak
Mr Ahmad Muhsin Mubarak

Chief Strategy Officer

Elix Solution Sdn Bhd Malaysia

Ts Muhammad Asri Wahirudin, CSM
Ts Muhammad Asri Wahirudin, CSM

Head of Digital Technology

Malaysia Automotive, Robotics, IoT Institute (MARii)

Mr Raymond Siva
Mr Raymond Siva

Senior Vice President, Digital Investment

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation

Mr Mohd Nazrol Marzuke
Mr Mohd Nazrol Marzuke

Undersecretary, Infrastructure & Application Division

Ministry of Communications and Digital of Malaysia

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